Monday, June 10, 2019

Making Meaning- English Language Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Making Meaning- English Language - Essay Exampleognitive approaches are more apposite to trace the crucial but lithe changes in the notions of a joint and therefore, all-embracing to encapsulate maximum circumference of the subject matter. Cognitive approaches always consider a language as a nourishment object that ultimately yields relative meaning in analogy to its environments and context. Therefore semantic interpretation is to be explained from the reality of an object and how the human brain processes the schooling it receives by using a series of very specific cognitive mechanisms (Jaen 2). Indeed there have been many studies and theories on Semantics or the study of the meaning of pronounces and structures. The concept of the signifier and the signified forms the basis of the derivation of meaning for each words or structures. The fact that a single signifier commode have one or many signified adds to the complexity of the process of meaning derivation. Some studies h ave proved that there is a close relation between the sound pattern and the linguistic pattern of a given word or structure.There are linguists who argue that the meaning of a word is closely related to the perception level or the cognitive level of understanding and experiences of the hearer. The prototype theory holds that the process of attributing meaning to a given word or structure is principled and depends on the real world attributes of what is perceived, and also upon the characteristics of the perceptual apparatus itself (Johnson 12). One needs to differentiate and contrast the attributes of the perceived images with the other images to make this process of meaning derivation.In fact, the prototypes (the most representative members of a category) is linked with the cultural models that shape ones perceptions and knowledge prototype and therefore each perceived image or experience serve as prototypes for understanding real-world experiences (Holland and Quinn 22). The aut hors hold that there is a

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